An insight: your broken soul fragments are still tied to you

I just made a discovery while I was pulling the attachments from a woman who had it really bad. (Her starting vibration was 70, and her ending vibration was 170. That is amazing. Just pulling attachments and cords).

Some of these attachments or cords are not the making of others, sometimes they are cords to fragments of our soul, fragments of our self that we have denied because it was too painful to face ourselves. Or we attached it to a “loved one”…


What’s been happening here… at

I have been too busy with my “other” tasks, removing attachments, and testing methods to rid myself and the world of parasitic mite infestation.

I am happy to report that the second type of mite, spider mite, has been turned into “has been”, for now at least. Finally, now that the pressure of nightly fear of going to sleep, the incessant itching, is lowered to a bearable level.

The weather has turned springlike, and today I noticed that it went by unnoticed, I only paid attention that now I have to wear less clothing. No thought of going for a walk, no thought of gratitude, just going through the days teeth gritted. Life felt like a chore, something to survive.

Today, when I woke up with no itch, no mites, I noticed the quality of the light, the color of the sky, and I felt a deep gratitude.


Does your cheerfulness irritate someone? Enough to wish you dead? More on attachments…

The difference between cords and energetic attachment, psychic attachment is many.
Cords don’t grow roots, they stay where stay landed. They cause damage only by virtue of being there.

Energetic attachments, psychic attachments are “alive” and grow roots, coil around an organ, go from one organ to another.

They are designed to kill, or at least debilitate. They grow fast and siphon your life away.


Are you well? Recover Fast? No? Here is my secret to be always well…

I just came back from my weekly grocery shopping trip.

My driver has been struggling with a chest and head cold for weeks now.
One of my students has been missing classes because of a cold that now moved into her chest.
I am well. What’s my secret?
I have a system for being well.