Awakenings… your one way out of the misery

There have been several awakenings in my life.

The first potential awakening was when I was 22 years old. I had been in the mental hospital for two weeks and my condition didn’t get better, no matter what they did to me.

They even tried to use insulin shock therapy on me… that’s really bad, if you want to know the truth.

Then, as a last resort, they sent me to the “showers” that you should know from the Cuckoo’s nest movie… halfway though the “showers” I snapped out of it. There I was stark naked, and the misery wasn’t me, it wasn’t even mine.


The doors to heaven swing on little hinges or the delusion that keeps them closed

What’s missing that ALL self-improvement, self-development products end up on the “fraud” pile that is as high as mount Everest?

Ultimately there are two types of teachers:

Can do (occasionally) what they teach, but unaware and unconscious of what they are doing

Can’t even do what they teach, but expect you to do it regardless


It’s not wrong beliefs that keep you stuck in poverty, sickness, or misery

Beliefs are thought forms. Words. Mind-stuff.

The Universe is holographic. Holographic, among others, means that the patterns repeat in big and small things alike.
One of the patterns is the tree-like diagram of root-stem-fruit. We’ll examine that pattern in this article
The roots are hidden in the soil. The stem looks the same for most trees. And then the fruit is very specific.

Most self-improvement systems are busy improving the fruit without ever attending, or even being aware of the roots.


Soul Correction #39: Diamond in The Rough

A diamonds in the rough looks like a piece of rock. If you don’t expect it, you will treat it as a rock. Or a shard of glass

But if you are willing to go beyond the surface, you will be rich. Few people ever do that. Not with themselves, not with others, not with anything in the world.

Their shallow view of the world makes their life shallow, and they will go for every glitter, every shiny object. Because they are unwilling to go beyond the top layer, the visible layer.


Are you paralyzed? Are you waiting?

I wonder if you ever pondered where nightmares like most Doctor Who stories are, come from?

My hunch is that they come from reality.

Take the story where humans, one by one, by touch, are turned into human-size grinning or weeping toys. And now that they are toys with no will of their own, the only will they have is to turn other humans into toys like themselves.
When I look around I see plenty of proof of this nightmare being real.


Coaching is often like herding cats…

Cats are notoriously individualistic, and abhor being herded, or even told what to do.

Your (and) my aspects are like cats: enjoying and protecting their freedoms you have given them all these years, that you thought they were the boss. Your boss.

I am talking here of the aspects of your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, and your urges.


What makes you quit?

Arrogance is your mind saying that you already know everything there is to know

No matter what level of the vibrational scale you are, your aspects will do what your aspects do. The difference is how YOU will behave, how you will react to it.

I have been observing it for a while. It has become predictable. And yet, I am still always surprised.

The mind, every time I find out something, distinguish something, predictably says: “OK, Now I really know everything.”

It is both annoying and funny. Especially if you consider that since age three your mind has been preventing you, discouraging you to learn anything important, and you’ve never caught up.


Republished: You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want: The Nature Of Reality

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want
Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?
An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.

But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?