Can you handle it? Can your spouse handle it?

Whether a person is successful or not can be boiled down to this question… successful people say they can handle it, unsuccessful people say they can’t. And this is where your word (I can/I can’t) will give you everything.
I have read about a man whose doctor told him that he had terminal cancer, and he should go home and take care of his things. The man went home, took care of his things. A week later he died.
Turns out he was healthy. He didn’t have terminal cancer, he didn’t have any cancer, didn’t have any disease. He died because he said: I can’t handle it…


Soul Correction #39: Diamond in The Rough

A diamonds in the rough looks like a piece of rock. If you don’t expect it, you will treat it as a rock. Or a shard of glass

But if you are willing to go beyond the surface, you will be rich. Few people ever do that. Not with themselves, not with others, not with anything in the world.

Their shallow view of the world makes their life shallow, and they will go for every glitter, every shiny object. Because they are unwilling to go beyond the top layer, the visible layer.


Republished: You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want: The Nature Of Reality

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want
Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?
An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.

But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?


Evolution, social genes, and brain plasticity

Your social genes haven’t changed in the past 200,000 years. They are still the same as when humans were hunter gatherers, the stone age. Social genes are the genes that define behavior.

Where do we see this? Hunter-gatherers were not adventurous. They didn’t go hunting again, until they had to. They preferred to share, to be nice to each other, that way they didn’t have to risk confrontation. This lived in clans, hunted in clans, and followed the leaders.

They judged everything by their first impression of it, or by prejudice: they didn’t experiment, didn’t stop to think, didn’t give second chances. A wolf in sheep’s clothing would be accepted as sheep.

And yet, this bunch of scared followers now live in cities, drive cars, study at universities.


Creative Visualization: Will it work for you?

creative visualizationCreative visualization

is the technique of using mental images to realize certain objectives. It can help you achieve success and to accomplish your goals. It is a process that requires creativity, visual images, and a sharp and inventive way of seeing what the finished product, behavior, or result looks. It is a mental strategy, meaning it uses the resources of the mind with creativity to make ambitions come true. Creative visualization can be described as a self-help method which uses your thoughts to manifest what you long for in your own life.

Creative visualization is the strategy of utilizing a person’s capacity for thinking to picture specific behaviors or occasions taking place in a person’s life. It is the art of using mental imagery and a positive emotional relationship to that imagery to produce positive change in your reality. It is a way of utilizing little energy in the moment of constant practicing, to create yourself in harmony with the universe and the object of your desire. It can bring about abundance, happiness, joy, greater performance. The constant visualization re-calibrates your vibration to the level of vibration of what you want, be it material or emotional result. Creative visualization is the approach to attract your real-life goals and dreams and make those a reality. Continue reading “Creative Visualization: Will it work for you?”

The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose: How do you get Guidance from The Soul?

guidance from the soulMany people walk around with an immense amount of knowledge. Yet, in their professional life, they jump from one thing to the other. They’re directionless because they zigzag. They go to this direction and then they go to that direction and they go in the third direction and then they return to the first one, and on and on it goes.

That’s how my life looked for years after I finished publishing the magazine and this is how my friend’s life looks.

He’s my chiropractor friend. He has a business, he’s a chiropractor. He has been a chiropractor for 23 years. He knows a lot about how to adjust people. He has added energy work and Ayurveda but his heart isn’t into it.

So he publishes a newsletter, he does self-improvement work, he volunteers, he follows a guru, he goes to India, he goes to ski, he does all kinds of things. He even recorded an audio-book for me,  but after all this doing, you can see, that he has no direction, he has no path.

He has a lot of knowledge, a lot of possibilities, but no direction, no ‘Guidance from The Soul.’ Just restlessness, and a sense that it’s all fun, and it’s all good, but it isn’t going anywhere.

Here is this little story that may shed some light to what’s missing for him, and what may be missing for you.

In this story the job is to put a ladder next to a wall and that is the job to do. The manager gets the workers put up the tall ladder and then they are working for instructions to what to do next. Except that they put up the ladder against the wrong wall. What happened?

The idea came to put up the ladder, but the wall wasn’t specified. It should have come, but there was no leader…

The leader is the person who decides on the specific wall. The manager is the middleman who makes the workers put up the ladder against the correct wall, and the workers are the people who do the work.

When we are talking about your life’s work, or your life purpose, your path: who is the leader, who is the manager, and who is the worker?

The What, The How, The Who of achievement: Guidance from The Soul

Continue reading “The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose: How do you get Guidance from The Soul?”

Your life’s purpose can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose.

Good luck.

Want to know mine?
Continue reading “Your life’s purpose can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?”

What’s your purpose in life?

What’s your purpose in life?

I hear this question and derivations like “what’s my purpose in life?” “What was I meant to do with my life?” etc.

We, human beings, want to do the right thing. It feels that if we did that, then all ADD, all restlessness, all depression, all jumping-around and inconsistent behavior would disappear.

your purpose in lifeWe would joyfully do what we are meant to do, finish what we start, jump our of bed with eagerness, right?

Only if we just could find the one thing we are supposed to do. Be certain, stop doubting ourselves, settle down…

Now, though this is almost the truth, it is not the whole truth, and there is also a lie hidden in its midst.

What? you ask, shocked. You are pulling the rug from under my feet! I thought that the moment I find out… life will be bliss. Continue reading “What’s your purpose in life?”