What is the vibrational frequency of money?

what is the vibration of money?People search for that, the vibration of money… I guess because “gurus” say: get into the vibration of what you want.

Great sentence, except it doesn’t mean anything… and therefore it is impossible to follow.

But if, for a moment, I didn’t mock it, but started to look what it might mean that could be useful is this: although money doesn’t have vibration, it has some rules it follows, it has some strong likes and dislikes. And it is worth knowing those, if you intend to increase the amount of money that flows through you.

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The Anatomy Of Guidance: Ask For Guidance And Get The Guidance. Bagdad Cafe

spiritual guidance not liquor guidanceGuidance: How to Ask And Get Guidance

I have been asking for guidance, ever since I discovered that I can.

According to Kabbalah, an 6000-year body of knowledge, the mistake I need to correct in this lifetime is thinking and behaving like there is nothing and no one who can know better than me.

My life had been, before my discovery, an exact match to that behavior, not very attractive, is it? Continue reading “The Anatomy Of Guidance: Ask For Guidance And Get The Guidance. Bagdad Cafe”

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human Being?

compassion, an entirely human god qualityHow To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion

What is good: the definition

The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is “what do you mean: better?”

So far I have never had anyone ask that question. Why is that? Because we live our lives based on assumptions.

One assumption is that we fully understand the meaning of the words we hear.

As a foreigner I learned every single word. And struggled mightily with five-dollar words that describe a better human being.

I came to the USA when I was 38 years old. I had 29 years of academic study under my belt. I had read thousands of books. I had watched hundreds of movies. I spoke 4 languages fluently, and 3 more badly. Continue reading “Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human Being?”

Are you living to survive or are you in a quest for a life worth living? Who are your guides?

Stalin should have learned from his cat alter-ego guidesAre you living to survive or are you in a quest for a life worth living? Who are your guides?

This article is about guidance. Not about how you find it, but who to listen to. How to pick your guides… Who to listent to, what to listen to.

What gives you your life depends more on the people you listen to than anything else.

If you want to find out where your life is heading, look closely at the different aspects of your closest guides, TV, gurus, emails, books, movies, friends, co-workers (gossip) and make a note how they live in the main areas of life: fulfillment (vocation), health (physical, mental and spiritual), connections (relationships), and being rewarded and valued (finances).

Your life’s trajectory (that means trend, or direction) is going to be a weighted average of these guides’ life trajectory… More time with the news… the lower it all goes in all areas. More time with high vibration people, the higher it goes, at least in the areas where they are highly vibrating. The more materialistic and forceful your guides, the more forceful, stressful, and the less satisfying your life will become. Continue reading “Are you living to survive or are you in a quest for a life worth living? Who are your guides?”

The boy in striped pajamas – propaganda for what?

the boy in the striped pajamasThe boy in striped pajamas… I must be off my rockers, right?

If you have been reading my articles for any length of time, you know that movies are a fertile ground for me to see stuff about myself, about the nature of ego, etc.

This article I am going to write about The boy in the striped pajamas

Why? I trust my inner voice, and my inner voice has been doing two things today: made me sing the “Amazing Grace” and ponder about the ending of that movie.

So, what’s up with that movie? Great title, eh, the boy in striped pajamas, who would not want to watch that?!

Ever since I read the Ayn Rand book, Atlas Shrugged, my eyes have opened, and see things I didn’t consciously see before. Continue reading “The boy in striped pajamas – propaganda for what?”

Gloomy Sunday


As I said in a previous article, movies that you have an unusual affinity with are a great indication of some hidden belief that has an effect on your life.

This past year I have been asking and getting guidance. The guidance happens through movies, books, mostly.

I have Netflix. I don’t know what’s fashionable, what’s hip, and that helps. Ego and the collective ego isn’t driving my actions.

This is how this movie “Gloomy Sunday” showed up on my screen. Horrible title, if you ask me! And it’s a Hungarian movie, dubbed in German, with English subtitles. It was a Gloomy Sunday, and I decided to watch it.

I had prejudice on top of prejudice, but the Gloomy Sunday was there, and it was clear it was there for me. Continue reading “Gloomy Sunday”

Secret of Success – change your false belief

find your false belief

Your core belief is what keeps you sick, or fat, or miserable, or poor… but it is not easy to see your exact belief… A belief is a sentence… words… And without the exact sentence, you can’t release it

I have showed you a way or two in previous posts…

Another great way to suspect a core belief is the following? ((how you know that something is a belief you live by is that for you it is the truth!))

Let’s suppose that you love movies. You watch a movie. You are spellbound. You are somehow kept in awe, but when someone asks what about that movie that does that magical thing to you, you have no answer.

I have a few foreign movies that did that to me (American movies are largely unsuited for this purpose: they treat the viewer as imbecile) Continue reading “Secret of Success – change your false belief”

Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates, including conspiracy theories, even if they are true

vibration ((By J. Speer-Williams)) My notes on vibration:

I found this article on the internet on vibration, and thought if fitted into my blog, so I am reprinting with full reference to the author.

I want you to read it and pay attention to something important: Although every word he says is true, and high-minded, there is still an underlying blaming, and the vibration of victimhood, a certain impotence that permeates this article and the people I speak to when they speak of a conspiracy.

Now, why would I not want you to be upset, angry, hostile while you are talking about something as evil as reducing you to sheep, or beeing fleeced? Why on earth would I advise that you don’t go there? Did I go crazy?

Not quite. You see, your vibration is your key to what life brings you, to the level of happiness you have, the level of self-respect, and value in your own eyes.

Now, though, on the surface it seems to your untrained brain that being upset about an injustice should make sense to you, it does not. It robs you of everything you ever wanted, including peace of mind, self-respect, self-esteem and the joy of life. What do you think of someone who impotently throws their way about something that they have no power to do anything, or they are not willing to do anything? You despise them, right? So if you are that person: even worse… so don’t do it.

It is worth reading for many reasons, but most importantly to train your ears of the vibration of the speaker: truth spoken takes on the vibration of the carrier: and it always lowers the vibration of the truth. Continue reading “Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates, including conspiracy theories, even if they are true”

Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

seed levelChanging your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

In the last article I have set up the issue: you need to know where you are and you need to decide where you are heading if you want a future by design.

To actually get there, you need to design your path, you need to have the skills and the knowledge and the decision making ability and willingness.

But that is just the surface: you need to change your undertow, the underworld, the root of your world, on the seed level.

If I told you that your life, your projects are like a tree. They are designed to bear a certain fruit… and what that fruit is comes from the seed level. And the seed level tells the seed what type of roots to develop…. But

You see, most people, in self improvement, spend all their time trying to work on the fruit level, trying to hang a different fruit on the tree, wish, pray for a different type of fruit, repeat affirmations, etc. make mind movies, but that does not change the results because it doesn’t change the seed level.

What do you need to do to change the results?

If I limited you to an orchard: what would you do? You would do either of two things:
1. plant a different tree from a different stock
2. infuse a different stock into the roots you already have, but just barely above root level.

What does this mean outside of an orchard?
Continue reading “Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?”

How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?

visualizationVisualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with.

The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.

This is what vision boards and vision movies use.

As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.

Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of detail, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years later get exactly that, while another person can’t imagine a coherent image, and can’t get results… Continue reading “How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?”