Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human Being?

compassion, an entirely human god qualityHow To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion

What is good: the definition

The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is “what do you mean: better?”

So far I have never had anyone ask that question. Why is that? Because we live our lives based on assumptions.

One assumption is that we fully understand the meaning of the words we hear.

As a foreigner I learned every single word. And struggled mightily with five-dollar words that describe a better human being.

I came to the USA when I was 38 years old. I had 29 years of academic study under my belt. I had read thousands of books. I had watched hundreds of movies. I spoke 4 languages fluently, and 3 more badly. Continue reading “Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human Being?”

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

living powerfullyLiving powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?
And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth!

Self-worth also has nothing to do with what you know, what you can do, what other people think you can do or can’t do. Self-worth is how much you think, deep inside, when the chips are down, when life looks hopeless, how much do you think you are worth then? Continue reading “Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?”

When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…

race car driverWhen it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or a hop-into-the car grocery shopper

Said in another way: If Your Life Were A Car, Who Is Driving Your Life?

This article is about your relationship with your life. It is fundamental, it is at the root of you never amounting to all you can be, it is at the root of why most people can only evolve a little bit in a lifetime (many go backwards!)

Mastering this area of life is the difference between a winner and a loser, and it is so subtle, that without someone pointing it out to you, you would notice no difference.

Let’s start at the beginning: in life you accomplish some stuff (right?) and don’t accomplish some other stuff. You win some races, and you lose some others.

Let’s call all the stuff that you get done an accomplishment, and all the stuff that you don’t (but would like to have done) stuff that you don’t accomplish. OK? Continue reading “When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…”

Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

seed levelChanging your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

In the last article I have set up the issue: you need to know where you are and you need to decide where you are heading if you want a future by design.

To actually get there, you need to design your path, you need to have the skills and the knowledge and the decision making ability and willingness.

But that is just the surface: you need to change your undertow, the underworld, the root of your world, on the seed level.

If I told you that your life, your projects are like a tree. They are designed to bear a certain fruit… and what that fruit is comes from the seed level. And the seed level tells the seed what type of roots to develop…. But

You see, most people, in self improvement, spend all their time trying to work on the fruit level, trying to hang a different fruit on the tree, wish, pray for a different type of fruit, repeat affirmations, etc. make mind movies, but that does not change the results because it doesn’t change the seed level.

What do you need to do to change the results?

If I limited you to an orchard: what would you do? You would do either of two things:
1. plant a different tree from a different stock
2. infuse a different stock into the roots you already have, but just barely above root level.

What does this mean outside of an orchard?
Continue reading “Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?”

Your life’s purpose can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose.

Good luck.

Want to know mine?
Continue reading “Your life’s purpose can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?”

Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

backdrop context mindsetContext, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

This is going to be a mind-bender, and at the end of it you’ll come up a lot smarter, and with a lot more power over your life… interested?

It is all about mindset! Context is decisive… and what the heck is a backdrop?

Let’s start with backdrop. Why? Because it’s the easiest to see what’s going on.

I say that the backdrop is more important than what happens in the foreground.

Someone says something to you and you are hurt.
Your boss assigns someone else to an important assignment.
Your experiment at making money with your first product is a flop.
You continually have trouble and emergency in your life.

The above statements are the foreground.

Depending on your mental attitude (mindset) you say it’s bad, or it’s good, or you have no opinion.

So far so good… are you still with me? Good. Continue reading “Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?”