Pathways To Gratitude – Acknowledge Source Is A Great Way To Get To Gratitude, And Gratitude Is The Activator Of The Law Of Attraction

acknowledge sourceThe purpose of this article is to introduce to you another way to access and activate the Law of Attraction: Acknowledge Source.

I am not talking about acknowledging the source of a quote… I am talking about acknowledging your source of power and knowledge… the kind of source that requires you to look, recognize and value. It is a purely mindset phenomenon, and a spiritual and life altering distinction.

In this article I will write about the importance to practice your new skills and new mindset, and to acknowledge source. Continue reading “Pathways To Gratitude – Acknowledge Source Is A Great Way To Get To Gratitude, And Gratitude Is The Activator Of The Law Of Attraction”

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

living powerfullyLiving powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?
And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth!

Self-worth also has nothing to do with what you know, what you can do, what other people think you can do or can’t do. Self-worth is how much you think, deep inside, when the chips are down, when life looks hopeless, how much do you think you are worth then? Continue reading “Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?”

Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

seed levelChanging your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

In the last article I have set up the issue: you need to know where you are and you need to decide where you are heading if you want a future by design.

To actually get there, you need to design your path, you need to have the skills and the knowledge and the decision making ability and willingness.

But that is just the surface: you need to change your undertow, the underworld, the root of your world, on the seed level.

If I told you that your life, your projects are like a tree. They are designed to bear a certain fruit… and what that fruit is comes from the seed level. And the seed level tells the seed what type of roots to develop…. But

You see, most people, in self improvement, spend all their time trying to work on the fruit level, trying to hang a different fruit on the tree, wish, pray for a different type of fruit, repeat affirmations, etc. make mind movies, but that does not change the results because it doesn’t change the seed level.

What do you need to do to change the results?

If I limited you to an orchard: what would you do? You would do either of two things:
1. plant a different tree from a different stock
2. infuse a different stock into the roots you already have, but just barely above root level.

What does this mean outside of an orchard?
Continue reading “Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?”

What Is The Technology to Change Your Future?

change your futureWhen you track your current path on the map you will notice that it has a trend. The exact way you can tell from a short section of rails the direction they are heading. If you tell the truth, where that path is heading is not where you want to go… So what is there to do to change your future?

Let’s use the map of the United States for the sake of the visuals among you.

tools to change your futureIf you want to build a railroad from where you are to let’s say Seattle, what are the important things you need to know?

  1. Where exactly are you?
  2. What is the terrain like between where you are and Seattle?
  3. What are the means that you can use to build your rail?

Continue reading “What Is The Technology to Change Your Future?”