Your life pattern and how to change it

mind patternSuccess or Failure in life… where do they come from? Do you ever ponder that question? How come some people are successful and others are not, even though seemingly they do the same things?

Consider this: The mind is a pattern creator. It is not interested, fundamentally unconcerned about your thriving or success, it is interested in surviving itself and once survived, staying the same. It creates the beginnings of a pattern every time you survive. And it continues to do so till you die. That’s why behavior scientists say it takes 21 days to change a behavior: a new pattern needs to be created.

Some patterns are deeper than others

Continue reading “Your life pattern and how to change it”

Do affirmations work?

affirmations Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?

And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients. Continue reading “Do affirmations work?”

Find The Core Belief that keeps you poor, sick, and miserable

beliefHow do you start revealing the core belief that is the linchpin of your whole belief system about yourself, about the nature of the world, or about other people?

I am going to use my own example, because that I know it intimately… because I am aware of all my thoughts and because I have been consciously looking.

Rule number 1: never believe that you have found THE answer. The answer may be deeper than where you are. Example: I thought that my core belief was that I didn’t have the right to live. It felt dramatic, and I shifted it. I could have gone my merry way, but that would have been a mistake.

Rule number 2: Your core belief is what irks you about other people. What do I mean? Continue reading “Find The Core Belief that keeps you poor, sick, and miserable”

The Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?

core beliefThe Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?

The seed level of failure – what is yours?

What is the difference between a failure, a never do well, an underachiever, a disappointment, and the “successful ones” Like Tony Robbins, like T. Harv Eker? Like Wayne Dyer?

Are they smarter? Some of them, but not all.

Are they better looking, harder working, better educated, better connected? Some of them, but not all.

Yet, they are successful… what is the difference? What is the difference, across the board, case after case, maybe in every case? Continue reading “The Core Belief of Failure – What is Yours?”

What Is The Technology to Change Your Future?

change your futureWhen you track your current path on the map you will notice that it has a trend. The exact way you can tell from a short section of rails the direction they are heading. If you tell the truth, where that path is heading is not where you want to go… So what is there to do to change your future?

Let’s use the map of the United States for the sake of the visuals among you.

tools to change your futureIf you want to build a railroad from where you are to let’s say Seattle, what are the important things you need to know?

  1. Where exactly are you?
  2. What is the terrain like between where you are and Seattle?
  3. What are the means that you can use to build your rail?

Continue reading “What Is The Technology to Change Your Future?”