Your life pattern and how to change it

mind patternSuccess or Failure in life… where do they come from? Do you ever ponder that question? How come some people are successful and others are not, even though seemingly they do the same things?

Consider this: The mind is a pattern creator. It is not interested, fundamentally unconcerned about your thriving or success, it is interested in surviving itself and once survived, staying the same. It creates the beginnings of a pattern every time you survive. And it continues to do so till you die. That’s why behavior scientists say it takes 21 days to change a behavior: a new pattern needs to be created.

Some patterns are deeper than others

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Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

seed levelChanging your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?

In the last article I have set up the issue: you need to know where you are and you need to decide where you are heading if you want a future by design.

To actually get there, you need to design your path, you need to have the skills and the knowledge and the decision making ability and willingness.

But that is just the surface: you need to change your undertow, the underworld, the root of your world, on the seed level.

If I told you that your life, your projects are like a tree. They are designed to bear a certain fruit… and what that fruit is comes from the seed level. And the seed level tells the seed what type of roots to develop…. But

You see, most people, in self improvement, spend all their time trying to work on the fruit level, trying to hang a different fruit on the tree, wish, pray for a different type of fruit, repeat affirmations, etc. make mind movies, but that does not change the results because it doesn’t change the seed level.

What do you need to do to change the results?

If I limited you to an orchard: what would you do? You would do either of two things:
1. plant a different tree from a different stock
2. infuse a different stock into the roots you already have, but just barely above root level.

What does this mean outside of an orchard?
Continue reading “Changing your future: what is the challenge on the seed level?”

Creative Visualization: Will it work for you?

creative visualizationCreative visualization

is the technique of using mental images to realize certain objectives. It can help you achieve success and to accomplish your goals. It is a process that requires creativity, visual images, and a sharp and inventive way of seeing what the finished product, behavior, or result looks. It is a mental strategy, meaning it uses the resources of the mind with creativity to make ambitions come true. Creative visualization can be described as a self-help method which uses your thoughts to manifest what you long for in your own life.

Creative visualization is the strategy of utilizing a person’s capacity for thinking to picture specific behaviors or occasions taking place in a person’s life. It is the art of using mental imagery and a positive emotional relationship to that imagery to produce positive change in your reality. It is a way of utilizing little energy in the moment of constant practicing, to create yourself in harmony with the universe and the object of your desire. It can bring about abundance, happiness, joy, greater performance. The constant visualization re-calibrates your vibration to the level of vibration of what you want, be it material or emotional result. Creative visualization is the approach to attract your real-life goals and dreams and make those a reality. Continue reading “Creative Visualization: Will it work for you?”