Gloomy Sunday


As I said in a previous article, movies that you have an unusual affinity with are a great indication of some hidden belief that has an effect on your life.

This past year I have been asking and getting guidance. The guidance happens through movies, books, mostly.

I have Netflix. I don’t know what’s fashionable, what’s hip, and that helps. Ego and the collective ego isn’t driving my actions.

This is how this movie “Gloomy Sunday” showed up on my screen. Horrible title, if you ask me! And it’s a Hungarian movie, dubbed in German, with English subtitles. It was a Gloomy Sunday, and I decided to watch it.

I had prejudice on top of prejudice, but the Gloomy Sunday was there, and it was clear it was there for me. Continue reading “Gloomy Sunday”

How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?

visualizationVisualization is a tool to accomplish what you want, but it can also be the tool to diagnose what you are not resonating with.

The ultimate clue as to what you can have and hold onto, is to what degree you can visualize, what detail, what variety of images you can have in your “movie”.

This is what vision boards and vision movies use.

As with any other singular method, the results are a mixed bag: about 6% of the users see their vision materialize, some sees some result, most see no result.

Why is that? why is it that a Frank Kern, millionaire marketer, can envision in one afternoon a whole life, with a lot of detail, like the tiles of the bathroom, and a few years later get exactly that, while another person can’t imagine a coherent image, and can’t get results… Continue reading “How Visualization Can Help You Attain Results… and Why It Probably Won’t?”