How To Manifest Anything or THE Missing Piece Of The Law Of Attraction Puzzle: Desire Or How To Be In Vibrational Harmony With Money, Love, And Success

how to manifest anything: moneyHow to Manifest Anything or the Missing Piece of the Law of Attraction Puzzle

We all want to manifest our wants and needs. We all want miracles. We all want some divine assistance to solve our problems. But…

How to Manifest Anything or the Missing Piece of the Law of Attraction Puzzle: Desire or How to Be in Vibrational Harmony With Money, Love, and Success

Some religions preach to you to suppress your desires. They say that it’s the root of all evil. Maybe even a sin. Christianity, Buddhism… to mention the ones I know. Kabbalah teaches you to awaken desire, that is how to manifest anything. Continue reading “How To Manifest Anything or THE Missing Piece Of The Law Of Attraction Puzzle: Desire Or How To Be In Vibrational Harmony With Money, Love, And Success”

What’s your purpose in life?

What’s your purpose in life?

I hear this question and derivations like “what’s my purpose in life?” “What was I meant to do with my life?” etc.

We, human beings, want to do the right thing. It feels that if we did that, then all ADD, all restlessness, all depression, all jumping-around and inconsistent behavior would disappear.

your purpose in lifeWe would joyfully do what we are meant to do, finish what we start, jump our of bed with eagerness, right?

Only if we just could find the one thing we are supposed to do. Be certain, stop doubting ourselves, settle down…

Now, though this is almost the truth, it is not the whole truth, and there is also a lie hidden in its midst.

What? you ask, shocked. You are pulling the rug from under my feet! I thought that the moment I find out… life will be bliss. Continue reading “What’s your purpose in life?”