Let’s talk about sexual preference

Twice in my life I had a choice to choose being attracted to women… I mean mainly.

The first time the choice was made for me: when the woman found out that I had no history of being attracted to women, she said: “I won’t do that to you.” I was about 22.

The second time I found myself turned on by a woman dancing, and I clearly saw a choice. I saw that I could choose to pursue that, but with that I would choose a life of hiding, a life of not fitting in, a hard life. I chose not to go for it.

As a sex therapist, coach, I talk to a lot of people.

I don’t buy that you are born gay. You are born normal, but are turned at some point.


Judgment: What is judgment? what is it really? The whole picture…


Update: When we are on a lower level of consciousness, we think it is all about us. What we do, what other people say, our results… everything. So our “self” is always in danger of falling off its pedestal, and we feel that with it we die.

The reason: we can’t tell, we don’t even think, that we and our actions are not the same. We can’t see that we do something, and the results of those actions don’t change who we are… there is no real connection. The results are the results, you are you, no connection.